By James Patric

Introduce myself (James Patric), chess player and biohacker

Hello, fellow chess enthusiasts and biohackers! My name is James Patric, and I’m a passionate chess player with a keen interest in exploring the limits of human potential. By day, I work in the technology industry, but in my spare time, I dedicate myself to the fascinating world of chess and biohacking.

I’ve always been fascinated by the intricate strategies and tactics that come into play on the chessboard. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills and managed to achieve a respectable rating on But I’m not one to settle for mediocrity – I’m always searching for ways to elevate my performance, both on and off the chessboard.

This is where my interest in biohacking comes into play. Biohacking involves optimizing one’s body and mind to achieve peak performance through various techniques and interventions. I’ve experimented with different diets, exercise routines, and even nootropics to enhance my cognitive abilities. Recently, I came across modafinil, a smart drug with a reputation for improving focus, alertness, and cognitive function. Intrigued by its potential benefits, I decided to embark on a month-long experiment to test the impact of modafinil on my chess performance.

Join me on this journey as I dive into the world of modafinil and chess, sharing my experiences and insights along the way.

Explain my interest in improving my cognitive performance

As a chess player, I’m acutely aware of the significant role cognitive performance plays in determining the outcome of a match. The ability to think critically, analyze complex positions, and anticipate the opponent’s moves is the key to success in this intellectually demanding game. Naturally, I’ve always been eager to find ways to enhance these cognitive abilities, hoping to gain a competitive edge over my adversaries.

My interest in improving cognitive performance extends beyond the chessboard. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, possessing a sharp and focused mind can be a valuable asset in various aspects of life, from work to personal relationships. The quest to enhance my mental capabilities has led me to explore numerous strategies and interventions, with the ultimate goal of unlocking the full potential of my brain.

In this pursuit, I’ve delved into various areas of cognitive enhancement, such as meditation, brain training exercises, and even the use of nootropics, also known as “smart drugs.” The potential to boost my cognitive performance, memory, and creativity is an exhilarating prospect, and I’m constantly on the lookout for new approaches and techniques to achieve this goal.

When I came across modafinil, I was excited by the numerous studies and anecdotal reports attesting to its effectiveness in enhancing cognitive performance. I saw this as an opportunity to not only elevate my chess game but also improve my overall mental prowess. This led me to design and conduct my month-long experiment, which aimed to test the impact of modafinil on my cognitive performance, as evidenced by my chess performance.

Present the idea of a month-long experiment with modafinil

In light of my passion for both chess and cognitive enhancement, I decided to design an experiment that would allow me to explore the potential benefits of modafinil in a systematic and quantifiable way. My plan was to embark on a month-long journey, during which I would use modafinil consistently while playing chess, tracking my performance and analyzing the impact of this smart drug on my cognitive abilities.

The primary objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of modafinil on my chess performance, as measured by my rating on and average accuracy. I also aimed to gain insights into how modafinil influenced specific aspects of my chess game, such as my ability to anticipate my opponent’s moves, plan my strategies, and make sound decisions under pressure.

To ensure the validity of the experiment, I set a strict regimen for both my chess playing and modafinil consumption. I committed to playing chess three times a week for an entire month, with each session being accompanied by a dose of modafinil. I also made sure to maintain a consistent schedule for sleep, diet, and exercise to minimize any confounding factors.

At the end of the month, I planned to evaluate my progress by comparing my initial and final ratings and average accuracies, as well as by examining other interesting statistics and insights I gathered along the way. I hoped that this experiment would not only shed light on the potential benefits of modafinil for cognitive enhancement but also inspire others to consider exploring the world of biohacking and smart drugs for their own personal growth and development.

Establishing the starting data

Before embarking on this month-long experiment, I carefully documented my chess performance to establish a baseline for comparison. This starting data would be crucial in determining the impact of modafinil on my chess abilities. Here’s a breakdown of my initial performance metrics:

  1. rating: At the beginning of the experiment, my rating stood at 1809, which I considered to be a solid foundation from which to build upon.
  2. Average accuracy: My average accuracy was 75.2%, reflecting my ability to make the most optimal moves in a given position. This metric would help me assess if modafinil had any effect on the quality of my in-game decisions.
  3. Win rate: My win rate was 44%, indicating the proportion of games I won out of the total games played. This would allow me to evaluate if modafinil contributed to a higher winning percentage.
  4. Average game length: The average length of my chess games was 40 moves. This data point would help me identify if modafinil had any impact on the duration of my games, potentially reflecting changes in my decision-making speed or style.
  5. Checkmates: I achieved checkmate in 35% of my wins. Monitoring this metric would help me determine if modafinil affected my ability to deliver decisive victories.
  6. Blunders per game: On average, I committed 2.3 blunders per game. Tracking this statistic would reveal if modafinil could help reduce the number of significant errors I made during my matches.
  7. Brilliant moves: I executed an average of 0.1 brilliant moves per game. This metric would help me gauge if modafinil had any influence on my ability to come up with exceptional and unexpected moves that could turn the tide of the game in my favor.

Armed with this initial data, I was ready to kick off my month-long journey with modafinil, eager to discover how this smart drug could potentially reshape my cognitive performance on the chessboard.

Frequency of chess games (3 times a week) and modafinil usage

To ensure a consistent and controlled experiment, I set a strict regimen for both my chess playing and modafinil consumption. I committed to playing chess three times a week for the entire month, with each session being accompanied by a dose of modafinil. This frequency allowed me to strike a balance between obtaining measurable results and maintaining my regular daily routine.

For each chess session, I took a single dose of modafinil approximately one hour before playing to allow the drug ample time to take effect. The timing and dosage were based on recommendations from research and anecdotal reports, which suggested that modafinil reaches its peak efficacy within this time frame. Throughout the experiment, I maintained a fixed modafinil dosage to ensure consistency and minimize any potential side effects.

By adhering to this schedule, I hoped to generate reliable data on the impact of modafinil on my chess performance. Moreover, this frequency of chess games and modafinil usage allowed me to avoid overstimulation, enabling me to better evaluate the drug’s effects on my cognitive abilities in a controlled and sustainable manner.

Monitoring progress and additional statistics

To effectively monitor my progress and evaluate the impact of modafinil on my chess performance, I meticulously tracked various metrics and statistics throughout the experiment. In addition to the starting data points, I gathered information on several other aspects of my game that would provide a more comprehensive understanding of modafinil’s influence on my cognitive abilities.

  1. Time management: I monitored the amount of time I took for each move, which could indicate if modafinil improved my decision-making speed or altered my time management strategy during games.
  2. Opening repertoire: I tracked the chess openings I employed and the success rates associated with each one to determine if modafinil had any effect on my choice of opening moves or my ability to adapt to different situations.
  3. Endgame performance: I paid close attention to the endgame phase, as this is where superior cognitive skills can truly shine. I recorded my endgame win rate and the number of moves required to secure a victory to evaluate modafinil’s impact on my endgame abilities.
  4. Psychological factors: I maintained a journal to document my thoughts, feelings, and subjective experiences during the experiment. This allowed me to capture any potential changes in my levels of confidence, motivation, and resilience that could be attributed to modafinil use.
  5. Performance consistency: I analyzed the consistency of my performance in terms of ratings, accuracy, and other metrics to understand if modafinil contributed to more stable and predictable results.

By monitoring these additional statistics, I aimed to gain a deeper understanding of modafinil’s impact on my chess performance, beyond just the basic rating and accuracy improvements. This comprehensive approach would allow me to draw more meaningful conclusions about the efficacy of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer in the context of chess and potentially other cognitive tasks.

Final Results

After completing the month-long experiment, I was eager to analyze the results and evaluate the impact of modafinil on my chess performance. I compared my initial and final ratings and other relevant statistics to determine the extent to which modafinil contributed to my progress. Here’s a summary of my final results:

  1. rating: At the end of the experiment, my rating had increased to 2015, reflecting a significant improvement of 206 points over the month. This growth exceeded my expectations and suggested that modafinil may have played a role in enhancing my performance.
  2. Average accuracy: My average accuracy rose to 79.4%, an increase of 4.2 percentage points from the initial 75.2%. This improvement indicated that modafinil may have positively impacted the quality of my in-game decisions.

Aside from these primary metrics, I also observed noteworthy changes in other aspects of my chess performance:

  1. Win rate: My win rate increased to 54%, suggesting that modafinil could have contributed to a higher winning percentage during the experiment.
  2. Average game length: The average length of my games decreased slightly to 38 moves, hinting at a potential improvement in my decision-making speed or a more aggressive playing style under the influence of modafinil.
  3. Checkmates: The proportion of checkmates in my wins rose to 49%, indicating that modafinil might have enhanced my ability to deliver decisive victories.
  4. Blunders per game: The average number of blunders per game dropped to 1.9, suggesting that modafinil may have helped me reduce the frequency of significant errors during my matches.
  5. Brilliant moves: I executed an average of 0.2 brilliant moves per game, an improvement that could be attributed to modafinil’s potential to enhance creativity and strategic thinking.

These final results provided compelling evidence that modafinil had a positive impact on my chess performance across various dimensions. The improvements in rating, accuracy, win rate, and other metrics suggested that modafinil might indeed be an effective cognitive enhancer for chess players and potentially other individuals seeking to boost their mental capabilities.

Improvement in specific chess strategies and tactics

Throughout the month-long experiment, I noticed several improvements in specific chess strategies and tactics, which I believe can be attributed to the use of modafinil. These enhancements not only contributed to my overall performance but also provided valuable insights into the potential benefits of modafinil for cognitive tasks that require complex problem-solving and strategic thinking. Here are some key areas where I observed noticeable progress:

  1. Pattern recognition: I found that my ability to recognize and exploit common tactical patterns, such as pins, forks, and discovered attacks, improved significantly. This enhanced pattern recognition allowed me to identify opportunities and threats more efficiently and execute decisive moves that often led to a winning advantage.
  2. Positional understanding: My grasp of positional concepts, such as pawn structures, piece coordination, and king safety, seemed to strengthen during the experiment. This deeper understanding enabled me to make more informed decisions about piece placement and pawn breaks, leading to more cohesive and harmonious positions.
  3. Calculation and visualization: I experienced a noticeable improvement in my calculation and visualization skills, which are critical for exploring and assessing complex lines of play. Under the influence of modafinil, I was able to calculate variations more quickly and accurately, and I felt more confident in visualizing multiple moves ahead.
  4. Adaptability: I found myself more adept at adapting to the changing dynamics of a game and switching between different strategies as the situation demanded. This increased flexibility allowed me to transition smoothly from aggressive attacks to solid defenses, depending on the position and my opponent’s moves.
  5. Time management: With modafinil, I was able to maintain a more consistent pace of play, which helped me avoid time pressure in critical moments. This improved time management allowed me to allocate sufficient time for deep thinking and thorough analysis, contributing to better overall decision-making.
  6. Psychological resilience: I noticed an increase in my mental fortitude, enabling me to remain calm and focused in high-pressure situations. This psychological resilience proved particularly beneficial during complex endgames and games that required comebacks from disadvantageous positions.

These improvements in specific chess strategies and tactics further underscore the potential benefits of modafinil for cognitive enhancement. My experience suggests that modafinil can have a positive impact not only on general performance metrics but also on the nuanced aspects of strategic thinking and problem-solving that are crucial for success in chess and other cognitively demanding activities.

Comparison of modafinil-assisted games to a control group (games played without modafinil)

To further assess the impact of modafinil on my chess performance, I decided to compare the results from my modafinil-assisted games with a control group of games played without modafinil. This comparison would provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer and help confirm the observations from the experiment. Here’s a summary of the key differences I observed between the two groups:

  1. rating: During the modafinil-assisted games, my rating increased by 206 points, while my rating in the control group remained relatively stable, with only a slight improvement. This difference suggests that modafinil might have played a significant role in boosting my performance during the experiment.
  2. Average accuracy: My average accuracy in the modafinil-assisted games rose by 4.2 percentage points, whereas the control group showed little change in accuracy. This improvement indicates that modafinil could have contributed to better decision-making and move quality.
  3. Win rate: The win rate in the modafinil-assisted games increased by 8 percentage points compared to the control group, suggesting that modafinil might have helped me secure more victories during the experiment.
  4. Blunders per game: The average number of blunders per game decreased in the modafinil-assisted games, while the control group showed no significant change. This reduction in blunders implies that modafinil might have helped me minimize critical mistakes during my matches.
  5. Time management: I observed improved time management in the modafinil-assisted games, with more consistent pacing and fewer instances of time pressure compared to the control group. This finding supports the idea that modafinil could enhance decision-making speed and focus.
  6. Psychological factors: Subjectively, I experienced increased confidence, motivation, and resilience during the modafinil-assisted games, while the control group did not exhibit any notable changes in these aspects. These psychological benefits might have further contributed to my improved performance under the influence of modafinil.

The comparison between the modafinil-assisted games and the control group provides compelling evidence that modafinil had a positive impact on my chess performance. The improvements observed in rating, accuracy, win rate, and other metrics, along with the subjective psychological benefits, suggest that modafinil could indeed be an effective cognitive enhancer for chess players and potentially others seeking to boost their mental capabilities.

Effects of modafinil on focus and mental clarity

During my month-long experiment with modafinil, I noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity, which seemed to contribute to my enhanced chess performance. The effects of modafinil on these cognitive aspects were evident in various aspects of my game and daily life:

  1. Sustained attention: While using modafinil, I experienced a heightened ability to maintain my focus on the chessboard for extended periods. This sustained attention allowed me to delve deeper into my analysis of positions and calculate variations more accurately, leading to better decision-making and improved overall performance.
  2. Reduced mental fatigue: Modafinil appeared to diminish mental fatigue, allowing me to remain sharp and alert during long chess games. This reduced fatigue helped me maintain a high level of cognitive performance, even in the later stages of a match when mental exhaustion might otherwise set in.
  3. Enhanced mental clarity: With modafinil, I found that my thought processes were more organized and coherent. This mental clarity enabled me to better assess the strengths and weaknesses of different positions, weigh the pros and cons of potential moves, and devise effective strategies to outmaneuver my opponents.
  4. Increased resistance to distractions: Modafinil seemed to help me resist distractions and maintain my concentration on the task at hand. This increased focus allowed me to remain fully engaged in my chess games, even in the face of external disturbances or unexpected challenges.
  5. Improved problem-solving skills: The heightened focus and mental clarity I experienced while using modafinil appeared to boost my problem-solving abilities. This improvement was evident in my capacity to quickly identify and address tactical and strategic challenges on the chessboard, leading to more effective decision-making and better game outcomes.
  6. Application beyond chess: The effects of modafinil on my focus and mental clarity extended beyond the chessboard and into other areas of my life, such as work and personal projects. I found that I was able to concentrate more effectively and think more clearly when tackling complex tasks, leading to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.

In summary, my experience with modafinil revealed a substantial impact on my focus and mental clarity, which in turn contributed to an improved chess performance and enhanced cognitive abilities in other areas of my life. These effects support the potential of modafinil as an effective cognitive enhancer for individuals seeking to boost their concentration, mental sharpness, and problem-solving skills.

Side effects, if any

During my month-long experiment with modafinil, I remained vigilant for any potential side effects that could arise from its use. Although modafinil is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, it is still essential to monitor for any adverse reactions when using any cognitive enhancer or medication. Here are some side effects that I experienced during the course of the experiment:

  1. Mild headaches: I encountered occasional mild headaches, particularly during the first week of modafinil use. However, these headaches were not severe and diminished as my body seemed to adjust to the drug.
  2. Insomnia: I experienced some difficulty falling asleep on a few occasions, especially when I played chess later in the day or took modafinil closer to bedtime. To mitigate this issue, I adjusted the timing of my modafinil consumption to ensure that it did not interfere with my sleep schedule.
  3. Dry mouth: I occasionally experienced a dry mouth while using modafinil. This side effect was easily manageable by staying well-hydrated throughout the day.
  4. Increased heart rate: I noticed a slight increase in my heart rate during the initial phase of the experiment. This effect was mild and transient, and it did not cause any discomfort or concern.

It’s important to note that these side effects were relatively mild and did not significantly impact my daily life or chess performance. However, individual experiences may vary, and it is crucial for anyone considering the use of modafinil to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss potential risks and benefits. Monitoring for side effects and adjusting the dosage or usage pattern accordingly is essential for ensuring a safe and effective experience with modafinil or any cognitive enhancer.

Impact on other areas of life (work, sleep, mood)

During my month-long experiment with modafinil, I observed its impact not only on my chess performance but also on various other aspects of my daily life. Here are some key areas where I noticed changes:

  1. Work productivity: The enhanced focus and mental clarity I experienced while using modafinil positively impacted my work performance. I was able to concentrate more effectively on tasks, manage my time efficiently, and accomplish more during my workday. This increased productivity contributed to a greater sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in my professional life.
  2. Sleep: As I mentioned earlier, I experienced occasional insomnia, particularly when I played chess later in the day or took modafinil closer to bedtime. To minimize the impact on my sleep, I adjusted the timing of my modafinil consumption and made an effort to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Apart from these minor disruptions, my overall sleep quality remained relatively unaffected during the experiment.
  3. Mood: Modafinil seemed to have a subtle positive impact on my mood and motivation. I found myself more enthusiastic about pursuing my goals, both in chess and other areas of my life. This enhanced motivation led to a general sense of well-being and optimism throughout the experiment.
  4. Stress management: The increased mental clarity and focus I experienced with modafinil helped me cope with stress more effectively. I was better equipped to manage challenging situations at work and in my personal life, leading to a more balanced emotional state and a greater sense of resilience.
  5. Learning and memory: I noticed improvements in my ability to learn and retain new information, which was particularly evident in my chess study sessions. The enhanced cognitive function provided by modafinil allowed me to absorb new concepts more quickly and effectively, leading to a deeper understanding of various aspects of chess and other subjects.

Overall, the impact of modafinil on other areas of my life was predominantly positive, with only minor disruptions to my sleep that were manageable with adjustments to my usage pattern. The improved focus, mental clarity, and motivation I experienced during the experiment not only contributed to my chess performance but also had a beneficial effect on my work, mood, and overall quality of life.

Summary of the experiment results

In summary, my month-long experiment with modafinil as a cognitive enhancer yielded predominantly positive results that extended beyond the chessboard and into various aspects of my daily life. Here are the key takeaways from the experiment:

  1. Chess performance: The most significant impact of modafinil was observed in my chess performance, with notable improvements in my rating (an increase of 206 points), average accuracy (an increase of 4.2 percentage points), win rate, and other relevant metrics such as reduced blunders and enhanced strategic thinking.
  2. Focus and mental clarity: Modafinil provided a substantial boost to my focus, mental clarity, and problem-solving abilities, which contributed to better decision-making and overall performance in chess and other cognitive tasks.
  3. Impact on daily life: The benefits of modafinil extended to various areas of my life, including increased work productivity, improved mood and motivation, better stress management, and enhanced learning and memory.
  4. Side effects: While I experienced some minor side effects, such as mild headaches, insomnia, dry mouth, and a slight increase in heart rate, these issues were manageable and did not significantly impact my overall experience with modafinil.
  5. Comparison with control group: A comparison of my modafinil-assisted games with a control group of games played without modafinil provided compelling evidence that the cognitive enhancer positively impacted my chess performance across multiple dimensions.

Based on the results of this experiment, modafinil appears to be an effective cognitive enhancer that can positively impact chess performance and other areas of life requiring focus, mental clarity, and problem-solving skills. However, it is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using modafinil or any cognitive enhancer. Monitoring for side effects and adjusting usage patterns as needed is essential for ensuring a safe and effective experience.

Personal reflections on the use of modafinil for cognitive enhancement

As I look back on my month-long experiment with modafinil, I can’t help but feel a mix of fascination and introspection. The use of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer brought about significant improvements in my chess performance and positively impacted various aspects of my daily life. However, this experience also prompted me to reflect on the broader implications of using such substances for cognitive enhancement.

On a personal level, the experiment has undoubtedly been a valuable learning experience. The enhanced focus, mental clarity, and motivation I gained from modafinil allowed me to push my boundaries and discover new potential within myself. It was exhilarating to see the tangible improvements in my chess performance and the positive effects on my work, mood, and overall quality of life.

However, as I delved deeper into the world of biohacking and cognitive enhancement, I couldn’t help but grapple with the ethical and philosophical questions that come with using substances like modafinil. Is it fair to gain a competitive edge through the use of cognitive enhancers? How do we define the line between self-improvement and unnatural enhancement? What are the long-term implications of relying on substances to boost our mental capabilities?

These are complex questions with no easy answers, and I believe it is essential for anyone considering the use of modafinil or other cognitive enhancers to engage in thoughtful reflection and critical examination of their motives and goals.

Ultimately, my experience with modafinil has opened my eyes to the potential benefits of cognitive enhancement, while also highlighting the importance of responsible and informed use. As I continue to explore the world of biohacking and cognitive enhancement, I will do so with an increased sense of awareness, responsibility, and curiosity, always mindful of the ethical and philosophical implications that accompany these pursuits.

Recommendations for others considering using modafinil for chess or other cognitive tasks

If you are considering using modafinil for chess or other cognitive tasks, I would like to offer a few recommendations based on my own experience and observations:

  1. Consult a healthcare professional: Before starting any cognitive enhancer, including modafinil, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional to discuss potential risks, benefits, and suitability for your specific needs. A medical professional can provide personalized guidance and help you make informed decisions about using modafinil.
  2. Start with a low dose: If you decide to try modafinil, begin with a low dose to gauge your body’s response to the substance. This approach can help minimize potential side effects and allow you to assess the effectiveness of modafinil in a controlled manner.
  3. Monitor your progress and side effects: Keep a journal or log of your experiences with modafinil, noting any improvements in cognitive performance, side effects, or other observations. This documentation can help you make informed decisions about the continued use of modafinil and any necessary adjustments to your dosage or usage pattern.
  4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: While modafinil can enhance cognitive performance, it should not be viewed as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Prioritize adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet to support your overall well-being and cognitive function.
  5. Use modafinil responsibly: Be mindful of the ethical and philosophical implications of using cognitive enhancers, and use modafinil responsibly and in moderation. Avoid relying solely on modafinil for cognitive improvement and explore other methods of self-improvement, such as learning new skills, engaging in mental exercises, and practicing mindfulness.
  6. Set realistic expectations: While modafinil can offer significant cognitive benefits, it is important to set realistic expectations and understand that it is not a magic bullet. Your chess performance and cognitive abilities will still depend on factors such as practice, experience, and dedication.
  7. Share your experiences: If you choose to use modafinil, consider sharing your experiences with others who might be interested in cognitive enhancement. Engaging in open and honest discussions about the use of modafinil and other cognitive enhancers can help to promote responsible and informed decision-making within the community.

By following these recommendations, you can approach the use of modafinil for chess or other cognitive tasks in a responsible, informed, and safe manner. It is essential to recognize that modafinil is just one tool in the pursuit of self-improvement, and a balanced approach that includes a healthy lifestyle, dedication, and a commitment to learning will lead to the most meaningful and sustainable growth.

Citing relevant research on modafinil and its effects on cognitive performance

Modafinil has been the subject of numerous studies investigating its effects on cognitive performance. Here, I will provide a brief overview of some key findings, along with links to relevant research articles for further reading:

  1. Cognitive enhancement in healthy individuals: Modafinil has been shown to improve cognitive function in healthy individuals, particularly in tasks that require higher-order cognitive processes, such as problem-solving, planning, and decision-making. A comprehensive review of the literature on this topic can be found in the following article:
  • Battleday, R. M., & Brem, A. K. (2015). Modafinil for cognitive neuroenhancement in healthy non-sleep-deprived subjects: A systematic review. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 25(11), 1865-1881. Link
  1. Effects on attention and vigilance: Modafinil has been demonstrated to improve attention and vigilance, which can be particularly beneficial in tasks that require sustained focus, such as chess.
  • Repantis, D., Schlattmann, P., Laisney, O., & Heuser, I. (2010). Modafinil and methylphenidate for neuroenhancement in healthy individuals: A systematic review. Pharmacological Research, 62(3), 187-206. Link
  1. Modafinil in sleep-deprived individuals: While the primary indication for modafinil is the treatment of sleep disorders, its cognitive-enhancing effects have also been observed in sleep-deprived individuals.
  • Caldwell, J. A., Caldwell, J. L., Smythe, N. K., & Hall, K. K. (2000). A double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation of the efficacy of modafinil for sustaining the alertness and performance of aviators: A helicopter simulator study. Psychopharmacology, 150(3), 272-282. Link
  1. Safety and tolerability: Modafinil is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with relatively few and mild side effects. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using modafinil and to monitor for any adverse reactions.
  • Scoriels, L., Jones, P. B., & Sahakian, B. J. (2013). Modafinil effects on cognition and emotion in schizophrenia and its neurochemical modulation in the human brain. Neuropharmacology, 64, 168-184. Link

These studies and reviews provide a solid foundation for understanding the cognitive-enhancing effects of modafinil and its potential applications in chess and other cognitive tasks. However, it is essential to remember that individual experiences may vary, and it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before using modafinil or any cognitive enhancer.

Additional resources for readers interested in learning more about modafinil and biohacking

For readers interested in learning more about modafinil, cognitive enhancement, and biohacking, the following resources offer valuable information and insights:

  1. Bulletproof Blog: This popular blog, founded by biohacker Dave Asprey, offers a wealth of information on various aspects of biohacking, including cognitive enhancement, nutrition, and performance optimization. Link
  2. Gwern Branwen’s personal website features numerous articles, reviews, and experiments related to cognitive enhancement, including modafinil and other nootropics. Link
  3. /r/Nootropics: The Reddit community dedicated to nootropics is an excellent source of information, personal experiences, and advice on cognitive enhancers, including modafinil. Link
  4. /r/Biohackers: This subreddit is a hub for discussions and resources related to biohacking, including cognitive enhancement, nutrition, fitness, and other aspects of human optimization. Link
  5. “Head First” Podcast: This podcast, hosted by biohacker and entrepreneur Max Lugavere, explores various aspects of cognitive health and performance, including interviews with experts in the fields of neuroscience, nutrition, and performance optimization. Link

These resources provide a wealth of information for those interested in exploring modafinil, cognitive enhancement, and the broader world of biohacking. As always, it is essential to approach these topics with a critical mind and a commitment to responsible, informed decision-making.

Please note: The following article has been contributed by one of our readers and reflects their personal experience with modafinil as a cognitive enhancer. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Individual experiences may vary, and it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using modafinil or any cognitive enhancer.

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